What we really think of your Meat Loaf, your relatives and everything else.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our Differing Tastes in Movies...

     It's no secret that men and women are usually on complete opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to what we enjoy in the movies. I may be making some generalizations in this post, but  you just gotta bear with me, because I know, yes, some women do enjoy the same stuff guys do.

     When it comes to movies, everyone has their own tastes, but I'm going to give you some examples of movies that your typical man enjoys.

Mad Max Movies. We love them. They're pre-crazy Mel Gibson, they've got that post apocalyptic struggle theme going on and over all, they're just great movies. Everyone is dressed crazy, like the old wrestling tag team the Bushwhackers and the Legion of Doom.

Rambo. Yes, Rambo. It's classic. He's angry and he takes it out on idiots. He's the lone wolf. We're jealous. We want to be a damn lone wolf.

Zombie movies in general. There is nothing we want more than to take care of a zombie outbreak. Yes we know it's not a real option, but it would be awesome just the same.

     There's a couple examples. I'm keeping it limited to that for now because I could ramble for hours about movies. The point is, we like intense movies. Sure, every now and again we can go for a comedy, maybe some Superbad, a little Anchor Man here and there. But for the most part we like movies that blow our minds with the amount of sheer fire power displayed and people overcoming ridiculous things, like hoards of undead. Maybe we're just wired to like violent stuff, who knows.

     You know what we don't like? Romantic comedy. We cringe at it. But we watch it anyway, don't we? We compromise in hopes that maybe you'll watch Gangs of New York or maybe The Thing.  Romantic and comedy are the two words we fear being used in the same sentence. It's horrible. There's no explosions, no yelling over gun fire, no cars flipping, no swords clashing together. It's not our thing. We don't like it, just like you don't like what we want to watch.

     I have found that the best way to please everyone is to just admit to yourselves that you don't like what your significant other does and get a movie from both categories. Watch both of them. Flip a coin to see which one goes first or play rock, paper, scissors so that it's fair, best 2/3. Or you can watch one each week and switch off who chooses the movie each time. It's better then getting in an argument about why the movie we chose was stupid.

     So in conclusion, guys like intense movies. We don't like feel good stuff. We're guys, if we want to feel good we'll go make some beef jerky or hunt a mountain lion with nothing but a sharp stick. It's nothing personal. It's not that we don't like the movie because you like it and it's not that it's really even a bad movie. Some things just don't compute correctly in our brains. Romantic comedies, feel good movies, movies about traveling pants, they just get our brain parts confused.

Don't forget to send me some questions or subjects you might like to hear about at truthaboutdads@yahoo.com

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