What we really think of your Meat Loaf, your relatives and everything else.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


     It's a well known fact that men are obsessed with power tools. Chainsaws, drills, sanders, grinders, nail guns. You name a power tool, we have it, want it or need it. The more we have, the better we feel. They're big boy toys. We keep as quiet as possible about your purses, shoes or whatever else you ladies out there collect because it's what you like. Tools are one of the things we like. Some people collect salt and pepper shakers or figurines or antiques. Men collect pelts from animals we've vanquished, junk and tools.

     One of the allures of power tools is the potential  danger involved in using them. Sure, manufacturers try to make them as safe as possible, but they're still dangerous. Take chainsaws. Razor sharp teeth going at an insane rate of speed. When properly used and maintained, they go through wood like a hot knife through butter. We could easily lop off a limb while using one, but every day men are out there using them. We love and treat tools of this nature with respect because we know they're dangerous, but their danger is another reason we love them. Men love danger. Why do you think so many guys say "Danger is my middle name" ?

     We try to add to our arsenal as much as possible. It comes in handy to have a bunch of tools that you don't need to borrow. When we have to borrow a tool, it makes us feel like less of a man. We think to ourselves that we should have that tool in the first place so that we're prepared. It doesn't matter if your neighbor is the nicest guy on the planet, when your husband has to go over and ask to borrow a circular saw, he hangs his head in shame slightly. It's just embarrassing to us. The only time we're not embarrassed is when we are on the lending end of that deal.

     So besides the awesome power produced, the danger involved and the ability to do things a lot faster with them, it's a sense of pride. Knowing we are prepared for any house hold chore/repair/improvement we need to do. Need to cut down a tree before it falls on the house? No problem, the chainsaw is ready to go. Need to install some baby proof latches on the cabinets? I'll go get the drill. Putting up some crown molding? Let me go grab the nail gun.

     When I was discussing this topic with a friend, she brought up the fact that we never want our ladies to use said power tools. Why? Well, it's not that we think you're too stupid to use them or that we don't trust you. It just comes down to this. We have a protector instinct. We don't want you to get hurt and will go to any length to make sure it doesn't happen. If someone's going to lose a finger, poke out an eye or break something, we want it to be us. We're used to hurting ourselves. It's that simple.

    So encourage your husband to get the power tools he wants or needs. He'll think you're the best wife ever and may be completely open to you going and getting a new purse after we hit Home Depot. It's a win-win.

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